AFV - Arsenal Force Vive
AFV stands for Arsenal Force Vive
Here you will find, what does AFV stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Arsenal Force Vive? Arsenal Force Vive can be abbreviated as AFV What does AFV stand for? AFV stands for Arsenal Force Vive. What does Arsenal Force Vive mean?Arsenal Force Vive is an expansion of AFV
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Alternative definitions of AFV
- Amniotic Fluid Volume
- Alternative- Fuel Vehicle
- Alternative- Fuel Vehicle
- Alternative Fuel Vehicle
- Armored Fighting Vehicle
- Audio Follows Video
- American Quantum Cycles, Inc.
- Armored Family of Vehicles
View 30 other definitions of AFV on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AFI Artist Forum International
- AVECIAVECI Assistance Vulnerability Elderly and Children International- AVEC International
- ADFM Association Des Femmes Mauriciennes
- AJVI Association des Jeunes Volontaires Internationaux
- APPR Association des Potiers Progressistes du Rwanda